Management Guidance

Company Outlook Dataset

Management guidance serves as a crucial benchmark for both asset managers and sell-side analysts in gauging a company's short-term prospects, and sometimes even those of an entire industry. According to Aranca's analysis of over 500 analyst consensus estimates for Russell 1000 companies, there exists a strong correlation between these estimates and management guidance, with only a handful of significant deviations. However, due to market volatility, a company's projected outlook is subject to frequent changes throughout a fiscal year, influenced by various external factors. Consequently, regularly monitoring these indicators becomes imperative to comprehend a company's adaptability to evolving business conditions. Aranca's Management Guidance tool consolidates the outlook of corporations listed in major global indices, providing a comprehensive view of all revisions made during a fiscal year within a single platform.

Latest FY Report :

Management Guidance Parameters Guidance Value Actual vs Guidance Previous Year Data
Financial Metric Date Units Low High Mid Period Value Var % Period Value YoY %
(vs Guidance)
YoY %
(vs Actual)
Revenue 30-04-2024 $m 670.00 690.00 680.00 2024-FY na na 2023-FY 618.70 9.90% na
15-02-2024 $m 670.00 690.00 680.00 2024-FY na na 2023-FY 618.70 9.90% na

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  • Experience in working with some of largest asset managers and sell-side firms around the world
  • Coverage encompassing over 3000 companies in developed and frontier markets
  • In-depth models covering sector KPIs, management guidance, projections, non-GAAP adjustments, segment details, bull-bear case, etc.
  • Flexible engagement models - from retainer contracts to one-off projects

Global Stock Markets

Share Price Returns Dashboard

Broad themes around inflation control and soft landings drove most asset classes higher in 2023. However, 2024 will be about traditional bottom-up stock and industry selection processes. Aranca’s Stock Price Returns Dashboard is designed to provide investors with insights into share price performances across global markets, sectors, and industries involving large-, mid-, and small-cap names. Use these filters to analyze price performances of stocks that fit your investment strategy or are already part of your initial stock screen, i.e., global large-cap steel producers, or mid-cap names across countries and sectors.

[Market cap in $B]

Source: This dashboard has been curated from stock price API data provided by Financial Modeling Prep and twelvedata